
Check-up irrigation systems for plants

Ως παθιασμένος κηπουρός, έχετε πολλά να κάνετε την άνοιξη: κάνετε νέα σχέδια για το μπαλκόνι ή το αίθριό σας, σχεδιάζετε να δημιουργήσετε παρτέρια λαχανικών και ξεσκονίζετε όλα τα εργαλεία κηπουρικής σας για τη νέα σεζόν. Αλλά υπάρχει ένα ιδιαίτερα σημαντικό ζήτημα: ο έλεγχος των συστημάτων άρδευσης για να εξασφαλίσετε αποτελεσματικό πότισμα με βάση τις ανάγκες σας, κάτι που γίνεται όλο και πιο σημαντικό τα τελευταία χρόνια.

Why is watering so important in the spring: 

Spring marks the start of a very sensitive phase within a plant’s growth cycle. Your plants need enough water to sprout new shoots and develop new buds, especially considering the extended periods of drought within the first few months of the year. Depending on the timing, these dry periods could lead to fatal consequences for your plants as they are especially dependent on water during their initial growth period. The amount of water a plant has access to during this period massively affects the plant’s future health and growth – which is why it is vital to provide your plants with adequate water during the spring.  

Follow these steps to check up on your irrigation systems:

It’s essential to check your irrigation systems come spring, to guarantee your plants receive the water they need:


Ensure your irrigation hose is in good condition and is long enough to reach all of your plants. Check all of the drip irrigation values, taking special care to clean them and remove any blockages.


Verify that your pumps are still working correctly and double-check the control unit’s programming.


A timely check-up ensures that your irrigation systems are always ready when you need them. Take this opportunity to consider if expanding your existing system could benefit your plants. By maintaining your irrigation system regularly, you be sure your plants receive the water they need, even during dry periods, helping them grow into your personal paradise over time.


A well-designed irrigation system is crucial for healthy and flourishing plants in any environment. The Gardena Micro-Drip System Starter Set is the ideal solution to convert your current irrigation system to a drip irrigation system. The starter set contains all of the components needed for efficient watering, whether in the garden or on your balcony or terrace. 
Don’t forget to use a high-quality irrigation hose to provide a reliable water supply for your plants. The Gardena Comfort Flex Hose, available in various lengths, is extremely flexible and durable so it can be customized to suit your needs. 
Take charge of your watering routine with Gardena’s Irrigation Control. Its user-friendly programming helps you to automate and personalize your irrigation schedule, so your plants receive precisely the amount of water they need to thrive.  

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